How to improve deliverability with open rate tracking


Open rate optimization is emerging as a key strategy for achieving unparalleled engagement and conversion rates. 

In this article, we will explore the best strategies for improving your deliverability through insightful open rate tracking.

Learn how to improve the deliverability and overall health of your outbound campaigns and inbox.

Let’s dive in!

Link & Open Rate Optimisation
1) Custom domain tracking
2) Reduce spam reports
3) Adjust your frequency of sending
4) Minimum timegap on mailboxes
5) Address high bounce rates
6) Optimizing email sending frequency
7) Don’t buy a burned domain
8) Suddenly sending volume without warming up

Next, we’ll show you 8 techniques for using open rate tracking as a metric to improve your deliverability and, consequently, your response rate.

This, in turn, will lead to more opportunities for meetings and deals

1. Custom domain tracking

Custom domain tracking is a critical element in maintaining control of your email reputation and ensuring that your messages are attributed solely to your brand.

Without this protection, your emails may share the same domain as potentially malicious or spammy users within the sending platform’s network, leading to a variety of negative consequences.

2. Reduce spam reports

Reducing the likelihood of being flagged as spam is critical to maintaining a positive sender reputation and ensuring that your emails reach their intended audience.

To achieve this, it’s essential to tailor your email content to the specific needs and challenges of your recipients.

A spam report occurs when a user marks an email as unwanted or spam. If recipients find an email unsolicited, irrelevant, or potentially harmful, they can mark it as spam.

3. Adjust your frequency of sending

Sending email at an excessive rate can have a negative impact on your email deliverability and overall sender reputation.

Email service providers (ESPs) use sophisticated algorithms to detect unusual sending patterns, and a high frequency of emails can lead them to believe that your messages are automated or spammy.

An Email Service Provider (ESP) is a company or platform that offers email marketing and communication services to businesses and individuals. They provide the infrastructure and tools needed for sending, managing, and analyzing email campaigns.

4. Minimum timegap on mailboxes

Effectively managing your mailbox across multiple campaigns requires strategic planning to avoid problems caused by overlapping send times.

Implementing a minimum time gap at the mailbox level is critical to ensuring a smooth and organized email delivery process.

5. Address high bounce rates

A persistently high bounce rate that exceeds 5% for several days can have a significant impact on the health of your email marketing efforts.

Addressing this issue requires a proactive approach to maintain a positive sender reputation, improve deliverability and ensure optimal open rates.

6. Optimizing email sending frequency

Adjusting your email sending strategy to a maximum of 50 cold emails per day is a prudent approach to navigating the intricacies of spam filters and maintaining a positive sender reputation.

By combining your warm-up emails with cold outreach, you not only ensure a gradual and measured approach, but also minimize the risk of triggering spam filters.

7. Don’t buy a burned domain

Choosing the right domain for your email campaigns is critical to protecting your sender reputation and ensuring optimal deliverability.

When considering domain purchases, it’s important to avoid previously burnt domains – those with a history of abuse or problematic associations.

A burnt domain refers to a domain name that has acquired a negative reputation, often due to previous misuse or association with spammy activities.

8. Suddenly sending volume without warming up

Launching a high volume of email without proper warm-up can jeopardize the success of your email campaigns, especially when starting with a new domain and mailbox.

To improve your deliverability and establish a positive sender reputation, it is imperative that you engage in a strategic warm-up process for at least two weeks before launching your full campaign.

Finally, we share with you a table sumarize with the key points:

Best Practices Key Points
Adjust frequency of sending Sending emails too quickly can negatively impact reputation and deliverability.
Send a maximum of 50 cold emails per day Combine warm-up and cold emails to stay under spam filters, limiting the daily volume to 50 emails.
Minimize frequency of being reported as spam Ensure relevant copy, especially when the product/service matches recipients’ needs.
High bounce rate (>5%) consistently Clean lead lists regularly to eliminate non-existent leads and preventing negative effects on reputation.
Avoid previously burnt domains
Purchase domains from reputable suppliers.
Warm-up new domains and mailboxes Warm up new domains and mailboxes for at least 2 weeks before launching campaigns to enhance deliverability.
Use custom domain tracking
It is essential for maintaining your email reputation and avoiding the negative impact of bad users within a sending platform’s network.
Set minimum time gap on Establish a minimum time gap on mailbox level when using the same mailbox across multiple campaigns to prevent overlapping and issues.


In this article we show you some of the best techniques for using open rate tracking as a metric to improve your response rate.

If you are looking to improve your deliverability and get more meetings and deals done for you, then Outbound Rocks is a great product to get you started.