Ultimate deliverability engine checklist 2024


Struggling with email deliverability? Get your emails into inboxes and out of spam folders with this comprehensive deliverability engine checklist that covers copy, technical setup, campaign tracking, and warm-up best practices.

Read on for a roadmap to a high-performing email engine!

4-Step Deliverability Engine Checklist
1) Body Email
2) Technical Setup
3) Campaign Control
4) Warmup

4-step deliverability engine checklist

Our ultimate deliverability checklist opens inboxes like magic. Next, learn how to master your deliverability and avoid the spam barrier in 4 simple steps:

1) Body email

In this first step, we ensure that the content and structure of the emails you send follow best practices and do not trigger spam filters.

Content relevance

✅Ensure your email content is relevant to the recipient and matches their preferences.

✅Use personalized and targeted content to improve engagement.

Avoid spam trigger words

✅Exclude common spam trigger words to prevent your emails from being flagged.

✅Regularly update your list of trigger words based on industry changes.

✅Optimize images for fast loading times.

✅Check links for accuracy and avoid URL shorteners.


✅Employ merge tags for personalized emails.

✅Introduce diversity in copy for enhanced deliverability, improving open and reply rates, consequently enhancing email reputation.


✅Use Spintax ({Hi|Hello|Hey}) for randomized message variations. Spintax is short for “spin syntax” and allows you to create variations of phrases or words that can help you create a more personalized and varied set of cold emails for your leads.

2) Technical setup

Next, we focus on the technical aspects of your email infrastructure to improve deliverability.

Authentication protocols

✅Implement SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to authenticate your emails and prevent phishing attempts.

List hygiene

✅Regularly clean and update your email list to remove inactive or bouncing addresses.

✅Implement double opt-in processes to ensure valid subscriptions.

IP reputation management

✅Monitor and manage the reputation of your sending IP addresses.

✅Use dedicated IPs for high-volume senders to maintain control.

Feedback loops

✅Set up feedback loops with major ISPs to promptly handle and process user complaints.

3) Campaign control

In the third step, we focus on the ongoing management of your email campaigns to maintain optimal deliverability rates.

Segmentation and targeting

✅Segment your audience based on behavior, preferences, and engagement levels.

✅Target specific segments with tailored content to improve relevance.

A/B Testing

✅Conduct A/B testing on various elements, such as subject lines, content, and send times.

✅Use insights from A/B testing to refine your future campaigns.

Monitoring and analytics

✅Regularly monitor key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

✅Use analytics to identify trends, anomalies, and areas for improvement.

Compliance with regulations

✅Stay updated with email marketing regulations (e.g., GDPR, CAN-SPAM) and ensure compliance.

4) Warmup

Gradual ramp-up

✅Gradually increase your email volume to avoid sudden spikes that may trigger spam filters.

Engagement monitoring

✅Monitor early campaign engagement and adjust strategies based on recipient responses.

ISP relationship building

✅Establish a positive relationship with Internet Service Providers (ISPs) through consistent and reputable sending practices.

Reputation monitoring tools

✅Use reputation monitoring tools such as Outbound Rocks to track the health of your sending IPs and domains.


By following this comprehensive deliverability engine checklist, you’ve paved the way for your emails to conquer inboxes, not spam folders. 

If you need a tool to automate the process while maintaining personalization, fill out the form below to try Outbound Rocks for free.