Best Domain Tracking Strategies


In the dynamic realm of online presence, mastering effective domain tracking strategies is paramount for businesses and individuals alike.

In this article, we will explain what a domain is, why domain tracking is so important, and introduce you to two specific strategies: combined and individual tracking.

But first, let’s take a look at some basic concepts.

Domain Name
Domain Name System
Domain tracking
Best Domain Tracking Tips

Domain Name

A domain is a human-readable address that represents a specific location or entity on the World Wide Web and is used to identify websites, servers, and other resources on the Internet.

In other words, it is a unique identifier that categorizes an entity, such as a company website. For example, is a basic domain.

Domain reputation helps mailbox providers decide whether to accept your mail, deliver it, mark it as spam, or block it altogether.

Domain Name System

The Domain Name System (DNS) is like the phone book of the Internet.

While humans prefer to use domain names, computers communicate using IP addresses (a series of numbers).

DNS translates human-readable domain names into IP addresses so that computers can find and connect to each other on the Internet.

It’s a distributed system that involves a network of servers around the world that translate domain names into IP addresses and vice versa.


CNAME (Canonical Name) is a type of DNS (Domain Name System) record used to alias one domain to another. In simpler terms, it’s a way of pointing a domain to another domain.

The CNAME process involves creating a DNS record that associates a domain name with the canonical (official) domain name of another domain.

For example, if you have a CNAME record for “” pointing to “,” it means that when someone accesses “,” it redirects or resolves to the server associated with “”

This process is often used for various purposes, such as setting up custom domains for third-party services, such as email tracking in the context of the previous discussion.

Domain tracking

This strategy typically involves monitoring and analyzing the activities, changes, and performance of a specific domain on the Internet.

This can be done for various purposes, including SEO (Search Engine Optimization), cybersecurity, marketing, and overall web presence management.

Best Tips

Next, we provided tips outlining two approaches of domain tracking: combined and individual tracking.

1. Combined Domain Tracking

If you have a well-established domain with a positive reputation, consider using that single domain for tracking across all your mailboxes. 

Suppose you own the domain “” with a well-established reputation. In this case, you opt for combined tracking by configuring a CNAME process, directing email tracking to “”

This centralized approach allows you to streamline tracking efforts across all mailboxes associated with your domain, including addresses like or

2. Individual Domain Tracking

In situations where you’re embarking on new initiatives, experimenting with diverse projects, or overseeing various domains, adopting individual tracking per domain is the strategic choice.

This entails establishing distinct tracking configurations for each domain. For instance, consider the domain “”

In this scenario, for email addresses like “,” the tracking would be directed to “” through a CNAME configuration on the “” domain.

Similarly, for email addresses associated with a different venture, say “,” the tracking would be set up to point to a unique domain-specific location, fostering a more segregated and domain-specific tracking system.

This approach provides a more siloed and domain-specific tracking system.

For better understanding, here is a table summary:
Aspect Combined Tracking Individual Tracking
Scope of
Applies to all mailboxes under a single, common domain. Tailored tracking for each domain, per mailbox.
Uses a single domain for tracking across all accounts. Requires separate CNAME configurations per domain.
Well-established or aged domain with a good reputation. Running experiments or managing multiple domains.
Redirects tracking to a common domain (e.g., Directs tracking individually per domain (e.g.,
Use Case
Ideal for streamlining tracking, especially with client accounts. Suited for scenarios where a more granular approach is necessary.
Management Complexity Simplifies tracking management with a centralized domain. Requires additional configuration but offers more control over individual domains.


Combined tracking is more streamlined, while individual tracking offers a more detailed and specific approach.

However, the “better” option depends on which aspects better suit your specific needs and goals.

If you want to improve your domain reputation and increase your email deliverability, you can try Outbound Rocks by filling out this form and requesting a free demo.